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ANGEL NUMBER 1414 SPIRITUAL MEANING | 14:14 Repeating Numbers – It’s Time | Angels of Christ

Angel number 1414 reminds you to enter into communion with your guardian angel through prayer and silence. Many things happening at the same time can interfere with your natural state of peace, and it is at this time that the search for reconnection becomes even more important. Know that your angels are helping you at this time to raise your mental and emotional state to a more positive state of peace and confidence.

Angel number 1414 comes to tell you that despite the doubts and difficulties that may arise on your current path, you are exactly where you should be, and doing what you should be doing. Learn from the difficulties, have courage and keep going, maintaining your study and work routine, because it is through working for good that we can attract even more divine help.

Whatever idea you have in mind at this moment, the number 1414 appears to divinely confirm that this would be a fruitful path for your development, and also to let you know that the angels will be by your side to help and inspire you along the way. Train your patience and remember that we don’t need to know the end of the process right away, since the important thing on a journey is the lessons learned along the way. Whatever you’re thinking right now, start it! Experience the angels working miracles in your life along this new path!

Know that many people need your natural talents and abilities, so move forward with focus and discipline, work with passion and drive, and rest assured that everything will fall into place perfectly in the long run. Let the living God work in your life.

Remember that our happiness and spiritual success depend on our own efforts to listen to our inner intuition and transform it into action and spiritual fruit. Anything you are thinking of changing/doing that can help you and others should be considered as divine inspirations (gifts) that arise at this time to help you progress.

Stay positive mentally and vibrationally, transmit any doubt, fear or uncertainty to your guardian angel so that this negative energy can be healed in your favor. Remember that any feelings that don’t reflect love, peace and tranquillity come from negative sources. Block them out and turn your attention to the desired side. The more you remain vigilant about your thoughts and practice this exercise, the less resistance you will encounter to aligning with your life purpose and living the happy, purposeful life you so aspire to.

If you don’t already know the teachings of Jesus, seek them out, as they will help you understand what true love is and its corresponding attitudes.

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